The Linda Vista Library
Editor’s note: In this post, we offer a potpourri of happenings occurring in Linda Vista. We start off with an update on how to check out books from the San Diego public library system; followed by a couple of excellent book recommendations from two of our loyal newsletter subscribers; then, information on how to access upcoming Zoom debates between the two candidates for City Council District 7; a heads-up about an upcoming clean-up of Tecolote Canyon; an update on where to go for COVID 19 testing; and finally, an update regarding foster kittens.
Have you found yourself with more free time since the pandemic started? Are you tired of binge watching shows on your favorite streaming service and now wish to spend your time on something more intellectually challenging and stimulating? Don’t want to spend any money on this pursuit? I think checking out a book from the Linda Vista library may be the answer to your cost-free intellectual quest.
The pandemic has certainly affected standard Linda Vista library operations, but don’t think for a second that your ability to check out books has been severely hampered. Although customers cannot physically enter the Linda Vista library, all you need is an active library card to check out any book in the library’s inventory. In fact, books throughout the entire City of San Diego library system are at your disposal.
If you have a library card, and you want to check out a book, all you have to do is…
a. Go to the San Diego Public Library website by clicking here
b. Log into your account.
c. Hit the Catalog button.
d. Search for the book you want.
e. Once you find it, place a Hold on it.
f. Indicate which library you want to use to pick up the book.
g. Wait for email notification that the book is ready for pick up.
h. Upon receiving notification, go to the library (while wearing your mask) to pick up the book. (The Linda Vista library is open Monday-Friday (10:30am to 5:30pm)).
i. Call the number posted at the library entrance, tell the librarian you are there to pick up a book; be prepared to provide your library card number.
j. Pick up the book from the outside front desk.
k. When you are ready to return the book, you can use the return book drop Monday-Friday (9:00am to 5:30pm).
If you have an iPad or some other type of digital reading device, you can also check out digital editions of books by going to the library’s Cloud Library
Whether you want to physically check out books or go the digital route, it’s all so very efficient!
Nothing stops the San Diego Public Library system!
Speaking about finding good books to read, here are a couple book recommendations offered up by two avid readers who happen to also be enthusiastic subscribers of The Linda Vista Update.
First, Martha Altus-Buller recommends the classic A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway. She commented, “It’s short and I really enjoyed it. Hemingway writes about the artist scene in Paris in the 1920’s. He was in his 20’s during that time, and is writing decades later with the perspective of a whole life lived. There are portraits of Gertrude Stein’s salon, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ezra Pound, and many others—some of them mean, some nice, but incisive and fascinating. It can take you down a rabbit hole of reading and rereading other authors and biographies.

Second, Marla Marshall recommended a current best selling novel, Lions of Fifth Avenue, by Fiona Davis. Marla said, “I loved it because it’s historical fiction that takes place in the famed New York library. The superintendent of the library and his family lived in an apartment in the library. I love that for several reasons. One being, there actually was an apartment in the New York library where the superintendent lived. The story switches between two timelines that span 83 years and three generations of women. The plot revolves around thefts of priceless books that remain unsolved throughout the 83 years. It has historical moments, romantic moments, and is full of mystery and intrigue.

The Linda Vista Update wishes to thank our two subscribers for their informative book reviews.
We are entering that time of the year…Election Campaign Season! Although everyone’s eyes are on the presidential race, Linda Vista eyes as well as those of adjacent neighborhoods are also on the City Council District 7 race which features candidates Raul Campillo and Noli Zosa. District 7 includes Linda Vista, Mission Valley, Serra Mesa, Grantville, Allied Gardens, Del Cerro, Tierrasante, and San Carlos.
If you want to catch up on what the candidates have to say, you can take advantage of a couple upcoming opportunities. First, the Allied Gardens/Grantville Community Council will sponsor a candidate’s forum this Tuesday September 22. The event will be a Zoom meeting from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. The Zoom reservation link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88442923909?pwd=Wllxd1FXNGQ1RkdJZzl1ZStzMldidz09
Meeting ID: 884 4292 3909
Passcode: 680192
Second, the Voice of San Diego’s annual public affairs summit—Politifest 2020—will sponsor a debate between Campillo and Zosa on Wednesday September 30 from 5:00 to 5:55 pm. The debate will be moderated by KPBS reporter Claire Trageser.
For details on how to register for the debate, click here.
The Coastal Canyon Fire Safe Council is teaming up with I Love a Clean San Diego to conduct a clean up of Tecolote Canyon on Saturday September 26.
Here is a chance to roll up your sleeves and make a contribution to the safety and beauty of Tecolote Canyon.
The Coastal Canyon Fire Safe Council is a new volunteer group that was profiled by this newsletter in an August 17 post.


Former USD Electronics Recycling Center is site of COVID 19 testing
Do you need to be tested for COVID 19 testing? Residents can get tested at the University of San Diego. Testing, sponsored by the County, is being conducted at the former USD Electronics Recycling Center at 5330 Linda Vista Road (Sunday through Saturday from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm).
No appointment is necessary. Testing is provided on a drive-in basis.
Testing is available for people age 12 and older, and it is free.
You don’t have to leave your car to get tested.

No long lines for COVID 19 testing
In The Linda Vista Update post of August 30, we included a story of our foster kitten Oliver. We are glad to report that Oliver was adopted from SD Humane Society.
We are also happy to report that our current trio of foster kittens will be available for adoption beginning on September 23. This trio includes Macadamia (male), Peanut (female), and Chesnut (female). If you are interested in adopting one or more of these kittens, just call SD Human Society and refer to their respective ID numbers listed below.

Peanut (ID # 686283)

Chesnut (ID # 686287)

Macadamia (ID # 686286)
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